“This is the forth time I have wrote review for Chord & Major’s IEM, to be honest, Chord & Major is my favourite Taiwan audio company, well, when you are holding one of their product in hand, you will know that you aren’t just holding any commercial product, they are thoughtful art and creation as I would call. Their ‘tonal IEM’ is something that I am fonding too, I am buying their idea which a specific IEM will do specific kind of job, I believe even the best genre master headphones can’t do a specific genre at the best too.”
“For sure Chord & Major has always working on their products range, I have been told that they were working really hard on tuning their IEMs to specific genre of music and you can feel this in every each of their products, from packaging to audio quality, they have paid excessive attention in every tiny bit of their products, now I really salute Taiwanese’s spirit on their products, before I forget, their price is very attractive too.”
“Major 6’13 is Chord & Major’s answer for audiophile who like ballad vocal types of music. The outlook is indeed very nice, keeping up with Chord & Major’s tradition, wood body and the shiny plate is made by very high quality of material. The packaging and finishing are excellent like always. The colour tone of 6’13’s wood is lighter than before, which I like very much. It is not difficult to recognize 6’13 as Chord & Major’s products, they all looked very similar.”
Audio Impression
“Being a ballad vocal IEM, I am expecting that it at least must has a very clear midrange, but my finding is admirably exceed my expectation. First of all, the vocal is transparent, clear and clean. It is the most stood out frequency, not surprised though, everyone knows vocal is in the midrange frequency. If you are expecting those kind of tubey, warm and fat vocal you will be surely disappointed. It has a neutral and clean type of vocal expression manner, not a bad thing at all as it worked with majority of vocal type of music. Vocal is the most obvious point to touch you for 6’13 in my opinion. I listened to some Chinese ballad songs, I like the presentation, the vocal is so clear and detailed. For those who like slightly warm and slow vocal presentation might like IEMs such as Shure SE425 more, 6’13 is a different thing here but it is very good, undergoes different types of presentation. ”
“The image separation is superb. You can definitely listen to every instrument clearly. I am surprised on this, vocal is in the middle and surrounded by the instrument. Soundstage is wide but not deep, it does not need any depth for ballad anyway.”
“The treble is clean and just right, not harsh but you will feel it is there, extensively detailed.”
Final Thought
“If you like clear, clean and energetic kind of vocal presentation and this IEM is really for you.”
“I recommended it if you like clean vocal type of sound. Keep this up Chord & Major, I only expected excellent product from you because you guys are that good!”
Original source: https://earmass.com/2014/08/31/chord-major-613-ballad-the-ballad-style-iem/